Certificate in Customer Service

Kickstart your career in Customer Service

Want to understand your customers, build brand loyalty, and provide exceptional customer service? This course is perfect for you!

This 21-hour course will focus on customer service and the broader customer experience within the organizational value chain.
 This course repositions the frontline staff as the final expression of a conscious strategic process designed to deliver a customer service experience. It establishes that an organization's ultimate vision of the customer is to transform them into brand evangelists and sources of feedback that can contribute to the continuous improvement of the product, service, and organization. 


Who is this program for:

  • Frontline Staff
  • Managers 
  • Supervisors
  • Operational Staff

Entry Requirements:

  • Five-year secondary education
  • Industry experience
  • Desire to advance your customer service skills


  • GYD$ 75,000

Meet the facilitator:

Michael Gray is an experienced Educational Leader with formal training in Strategy, Business Education, and Arts Management. He has delivered effective training programs in Leadership, Self Awareness, Critical Thinking, and Effective Communication. Having managed the largest MBA program in the Caribbean with many notable graduates, Michael has navigated the sweet spot between theory, strategy, and notable professional development.
